Pile Driving
Driven piles, whether made of timber or steel are the least invasive option for a foundation system. Timber is the most environmentally friendly foundation support system. This is because their installation does not require the removal of spoil from the site, making them especially suitable for areas of conservation importance or environmentally sensitive locations.
At King Drilling, we specialize in installing driven piles for a variety of applications, including house foundations, commercial foundations, access ways, retaining walls, boardwalks, minor bridge abutments, and signage poles. Our expertise ensures that your project is supported by a strong and reliable foundation, tailored to meet the specific needs of your site.
To accommodate the diverse challenges presented by different sites, we operate several piling rigs, including excavator-mounted, 4WD truck, and tractor-mounted options. This versatility allows us to work efficiently on sites with challenging conditions or limited access. Our equipment is highly mobile and can be equipped with hammers ranging from 500kg to 2 tonnes, giving us the capability to drive timber piles of all lengths and sizes, steel columns, and steel casings with precision and efficiency.
For added convenience, we provide a comprehensive service by supplying and transporting all piling materials directly to your construction site. This ensures that your project progresses smoothly and without unnecessary delays. Our commitment to providing efficient and environmentally friendly piling solutions makes us the ideal choice for your construction needs. Contact us to discuss how we can support your next project with our driven pile services.